
You too can become a partner of DTLP, here you will find a selection of sample partners:
STT - Gesellschaft für moderne Handelstechnologie
Hatrans Logistics
CCNS Transinet
Transrail BCH
TU Dresden
HavelExpress Logistik

Invitation to participate in the DTLP

A consortium consisting of Modern Trade Technologies LLC (certified EDI operator in Belarus, member of the European EDI-EEDIN network,, CCNS TRANSINET (European provider of transport and logistics services, ) and TRANSRAIL BCH (official freight forwarder of the Belarusian railroad developed a concept for the creation of a unified digital European-Eurasian transport and logistics platform (DTLP).

It aims to unite the information resources of the participants of international multimodal freight transport in order to redesign and digitize business processes, optimize the use of transport infrastructure and provide all operators of freight supply chains with a package of information, analytical and management services.

In this context, we invite you to participate in the elaboration of the requirements for the functionality of this platform.

This project envisages the following forms of participation by interested natural and legal persons of any legal form:

  • Consulting
  • Development
  • Technology
  • Investment

Each participant may choose one or more forms of participation in the project at the same time.

If you agree in principle to participate in the project, we suggest that you participate in the project:

Share your suggestions with us (platform functionality requirements) and/or send a representative to the working group. Please send us your request by e-mail or by using the form provided below.

Using pilot shipments as an example, the first operational part for the use of basic services is already being created for the first functional modules of the platform for the paperless clearance of shipments and the use of EDI tools as well as for transport and shipment management, including road and rail transport.

Companies that agree to serve on the DTLP platform working group and/or participate in the pilot phase will be able to use the services for free during the pilot phase and will receive exclusive terms during the subsequent commercial operation of the platform.  We are confident that by using the digital services of the DTLP platform, your company will become more profitable and competitive in the market!